Team Divine Wind
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The Story of Team Divine Wind

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The Story of Team Divine Wind Empty The Story of Team Divine Wind

Post by Mathew Ward Fri May 17, 2024 11:22 am

The beginning.
Let me tell you the story of Team Divine Wind, the story began back in 2020 before the Covid pandemic when a friend and I decided we would enter a Rally that was in Europe for a bit of fun, during the registration and completing the online forms we seen we needed to create a team name.
After some ideas being thrown around, we came up with “Team Divine Wind”. A name that comes from the Japanese translation of Kamikaze, much like the Kamikaze of WW2 we were throwing ourselves into the unknown.

The lockdown periods.
Unfortunately, and unknowingly, we started our team and probably the worst time, once covid took hold of the world the lockdowns began and all travel, mixing and social events all came to a stop. This causes some issues, but we kept going hoping the end of covid would come, we searched the internet for a vehicle we could complete the rally in till we came across a Subaru Impreza GX. We messaged the seller to show our interest then we waited, the months passed by till finally good old Borris allowed people to go out and lockdown had ended. So, we quickly jump on the chance to go buy our car.

The Car.
The Subaru was a little worse for wear but that was no bother it was to be a rally car; we drove it home with a few interesting issues shall we say. Once the car was back, we set to making the Silver Subaru into a rally car!

We searched the internet for parts and a livery that would make us stand out from the crowed, there was also a few little issues to fix such as brakes, lights and a service. Please see our Instagram page @teamdivinewind for the full build.

Second Lockdown.
So, the car was done, bags are starting to get packed were hoping travel will be opening up, the rally should be starting soon and the organisers haven’t sent any updates till the second lockdown was announced, it looked like covid was here to stay……… well for a bit longer to say the least.

Unfortunately, though the rally officials had taken the decision to cancel the rally, all the hard work and effort had gone to waste. It was also at this time that my friend had then lost interest in the whole rally/adventure which led to the inevitable sale of the Subaru.

I am now left with a team name, various social media platforms and no rally……… what to do? The only thing to do at this stage was to wait for covid to disappear and then move into the car club scene, I used the social media to post up my car builds to start to get some content and gain a following.

End of Covid.
The end of covid seen a resurgence of the car community and I was quickly becoming a part of it, I was attending shows and posting them to social media and gaining more followers along the way. This had relite a fire within me that had slowly gone out from years away from the car scene, I was back and back with a vengeance to get out there and start being a more active member of the car community.

Team Divine Wind and the car community.
This leads us up to today, Team Divine Wind has now done its first club stand at JapShow 2024 with the birth of Team Divine Wind official forum, we welcome members from across the Japanese car community from around the East Midlands and beyond to come join us and take part in our events and shows.

The future.
We have gained a new founding member to the club, and we are actively seeking new ways to make the club different and exciting. We have created club stickers and look to make our club stands stand out more. We already have our first trader on the page Team Kaizen Developments, we are looking to have our own coffee and cars meet monthly which I am excited about.

The future is what we make it, keep an eye on our progress and you’ll be rewarded in fun and adventure.
Mathew Ward
Mathew Ward

Posts : 8
Join date : 2024-05-14
Age : 37
Location : Derbyshire

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